Chapter 10: No one ever said it would be this hard…Oh, take me back to the start…

In the following days, Bonnie and her dad became a united front for their new houseguest. Adjusting to her new surroundings while grieving her dad made the girl quiet and out of sorts. Bonnie contemplated casting a spell to ease her cousin’s pain, but then thought better of it. Working through the emotions was the only right answer. Anything else would send nature off balance. They didn’t need that.

So they set up Dawn in the guest room and gave her the time and space she needed. Meanwhile, Bonnie was given the opportunity to watch her dad step up his A-game. She marveled at the forcefulness in his voice when he called the sheriff of Harrison County for details on the investigation into his cousin’s murder. With that call made, Chris moved on to take the necessary steps to make himself the legal guardian of Dawn and her missing twin brother. He and Bobby had discussed it years ago when the kids were first born, but when Abby walked out on him, Chris distanced himself from his family.

During all of this, Bonnie considered contacting Damon. After parting on less than friendly terms, she felt weird about reaching out to him. Although she knew he was worried about Stefan, knowing that the younger Salvatore had possibly attacked a family member made her hesitate. There were loyalty issues to consider despite Stefan’s disappearance being on all of their minds. Also, her last locator spell had revealed absolutely nothing so she decided to try another tactic. Then her attention got completely diverted by her own problems.

The night of Dawn’s arrival, Jeremy sent her a cryptic text about Elena. She should call him, too, but so far she’d blown him off. Way too much was happening for her to deal with outside stuff. She sighed under the weight of it all. Was it too late to trade everything in for a normal teenage life?

“Hey, Bonnie B.” Her dad slipped up behind her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. His affectionate squeeze reminded her of when she was little and he’d swoop her into his arms and twirl her around. Back then, she believed he was big enough and strong enough to fix everything. “You okay?”

“I don’t know,” she said. “Did you find out anything from the sheriff?”

“They’re calling it an animal attack.” He led them to his study and closed the door until only a small crack remained. “It’s crazy.”

“Yeah.” She watched him closely, wondering how much of this he could really handle. Vampires, werewolves, and witches were not their typical conversation. But given that his cousin Bobby had been a werewolf, it looked like her dad had been holding out on her the whole time. The more she thought about it, the harder it was to contain her frustration with him.

“I also contacted the mortuary. He will be cremated and his remains shipped here.” Chris leaned back in his chair. His hands clenched together across his lap. “We can figure out a service when Dawn is ready.”



“You’ve always been so closed off about Grams and our abilities as witches, but you have werewolves in your family.”

“Not exactly.” He released a long, low breath. “Look, Abby told me about the witch stuff before we got married. It was strange, but it was okay. Then we had you. I didn’t want you to be different. You’d have enough stuff to deal with without that being part of it, so I thought if I acted like it wasn’t real, it wouldn’t be. I was wrong. Dead wrong about that.”

“What about the werewolf stuff?” Bonnie asked. “Can I be a werewolf and a witch?”

“No baby. You’ll never have to worry about that—”

“But Bobby’s our cousin and he’s a werewolf. It runs in the family. I know it does.”

“It doesn’t run in our family. Bobby got that from his mother’s side.”

“Was she a Bennett, too?”

Chris smiled. “No, you’re the only double Bennett in this house.”

Relief swept through her that they were finally being open with each other. “Tell me again that you and Abby aren’t related,” she said, enjoying this time with her father although it was sad circumstances that warranted it.

He shook his head. “We’re not. Trust me, I did the research. Sheila has it all stored in her books somewhere, too. There were Bennett plantation owners who were brothers. They had a big blowout. One went south and the other to Massachusetts. You know the rest.”

“Abby’s ancestors were from Salem and yours from Vicksburg.”

“That’s right.”

Her phone in her pocket suddenly buzzed. She pulled it out and glanced at the display screen. She had three texts. One from Damon. Another from Caroline. And finally another one from Jeremy.

“I better check this out,” she said, heading toward to the door.

“You know today may be a good day for you and Dawn to get out. Show her around Mystic Falls,” Chris suggested. “Maybe it will help.”

“Sounds good.” She gave her dad a parting smile then she left his office.

In the sanctuary of her bedroom, she read her messages. Damon demanded to know if she was still mad at him. Caroline was more or less whining about the same thing. And Jeremy had sent another warning about Elena.

Of the three, she decided to take her chances with the female.

Caroline picked up on the first ring. “Thank God! I was beginning to think you hated me!”

“No, we had a family emergency—”

“Is your dad okay?” her vamp bestie asked.

“He’s fine, but it’s a little complicated. In fact, we need to get together.”

“Of course,” Caroline said. “Tell me what you need and it’s done.”

“Can you meet me at the Grill?”

“Want me to pick you up?”

“No, I’ll drive. I’m not coming alone.”

“Oh,” Caroline said, her tone a shade icy.x Bonnie shook her head and rolled her eyes. “It’s not what you’re thinking. See you in about an hour.”

With that done, she just had to convince Dawn that now was the time to get out and face the world again.


Damon glanced down at his phone and muttered a string of curses. Two days of silence had been his limit and now the little witch was dodging his texts. He’d given her space. Time to make the necessary mental adjustments. But he’d gotten antsy. What if she’d reunited with that pipsqueak Gilbert? What if they were bumping uglies in the kid’s bedroom?

Fuck that.

Damon grabbed his keys and made haste to the front door. Unfortunately, a gorgeous, statuesque woman stood on the other side. He recognized her immediately.

“You’re Katherine’s witch.”

“I’m nobody’s witch,” she answered. “My name is Lucy. Lucy Bennett.”

His gaze narrowed as she brushed past him and sauntered inside.

“You must be lost,” he said, trying on a faint glimmer of politeness. It felt weird. Odd. Like a shirt that had shrunk in the wash.

“No,” she said with a casual lift of her shoulders. “This is where the meeting’s set. You weren’t privy to the details?”

Her smirk was too indulgent. Damn witches.

A string of curses a mile long was on the tip of his tongue when Alaric suddenly strode through the open door. His friend dropped the bag he’d been carrying and didn’t stop until he stood inches from the Bennett witch. Damon watched them as if he was watching a B-flick at a drive-in. What the hell was going on? And why was it happening in his house?

“Hi Lucy,” Alaric said, somewhat breathlessly as he took her hand. “You found the place.”

“GPS works like a charm.” She released his hand and glanced at the two men. “Well, I’m here. You said it was urgent and it involved my cousin, so what gives?”

Damon’s eyes narrowed. “What?”

As if sensing the vampire’s impending fury, Alaric quickly replied, “That’s not what I meant. Bonnie’s spell didn’t work last time and we were hoping you could help us out.”

“You can’t be serious,” she spit out. “You lied to me. I’m out of here.”

She brushed past them and stormed toward the door.

“Wait!” Alaric called out. When she stopped at the threshold, he added, “Look, I misled you and I apologize. We’re desperate and I didn’t know any other way…”

“Than to lie,” she said, slowly turning around. “Lies are not a good way to start a relationship.”

Damon looked at Ric. Ball was in his court now. And since Damon had things to tend to… “It looks like you two have made up. Make yourselves at home. I’m out.”

“No, wait. She’s helping us with Stefan,” Ric said. “Remember the text you never answered?”

“I’ve been busy.”

“Stefan?” Lucy asked. “He’s the one that Katherine was so hung up on. He’s your brother, right?”

It’s funny. There was a time when hearing that would have ripped Damon’s heart in two. Now, it felt like that obsession with Katherine happened to another person. He felt no connection to the person he used to be.

“Yeah,” he said.

“What gives?”

Damon found the words hard to utter. His brother was a ripper. Had become one to save Damon’s life. Lives were being torn apart because of both of them, but that was the least of Damon’s concerns. Most of all he knew that Stefan was losing himself with every conquest. Every kill killed a little more of the brother he’d always loved and hated.

When Damon didn’t respond, Alaric coughed once to clear his throat and began to speak. “Remember the moonstone and how Katherine was running away from Klaus?”

Lucy nodded.

“Well, Klaus got the moonstone anyway. He’s a hybrid and he took Stefan—”

“Wait. A hybrid?” she asked. “What the hell is that?”

“He’s both a werewolf and a vampire,” Damon said. “A hybrid.”

“Don’t bite my head off,” she fired back. “I didn’t know.”

“Anyway,” Alaric said, jumping in to diffuse the situation, “we need a locator spell. Bonnie’s last attempt to do one didn’t come up with anything and we were hoping that with two of you…”

“Oh.” Lucy’s mouth curved into a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “I get it. You’re dragging my cousin into more of your vampire, excuse me, hybrid escapades.”

“She wants to help,” Ric said.

“I bet she doesn’t even know I’m here.”

“Okay, let’s start over,” Ric said. “How about we all just get a drink and sit down and just relax for a minute?”

“A drink?” Damon smirked. He knew exactly where his friend’s idea was headed. The other man hadn’t stopped eyeballing the witch since he came through the door. So much for being heartbroken over Jenna.

“Yeah,” Ric said. “We can go to the Grill and fill Lucy in. She can make an informed decision.”

Lucy glanced at her watch and thought a minute before answering. “Is Bonnie coming or not?”

Damon looked at Alaric. The history teacher had a better read on Little Miss Judgey than Damon had these days. Since she ran off after their dinner, it seemed hell would freeze over before she came near him again.

“I’m pretty sure she’ll show up.”


“Jer, wait!”

Car keys in hand, Jeremy had almost made it out the door. When he heard Alaric leave a short while ago, he’d busted ass to do the same. The last thing he wanted was to be in the house alone with Elena. She’d become obsessive in her interrogation about his relationship with Bonnie. It pissed him off that she felt she had a right to know the intimate details of his love life. It infuriated him to hear her and Alaric discuss using Bonnie’s skills as if she didn’t have a life of her own. Even if that life didn’t include him the way that he wanted, he couldn’t stand by and let her be used.

“What? I’ll be late for work.”

“Matt will cover for you,” she said, coming from the kitchen to lean against the staircase railing. “We haven’t talked in days.”

“Yes, we have,” he answered. “You’re not listening.”

“You won’t tell me what’s going on with you and Bonnie,” she said. “I know Damon is involved.”

“Leave it alone, Elena,” Jeremy advised, “and don’t bug Bonnie either.”

He unlocked the front door and pulled it open. Elena moved quickly to reach him before he left.

“I’m not trying to hurt you. If you guys are having problems—”

“You’ve never once cared about any of my relationships before,” he said. “Don’t start now. If you keep it up, then you open the door for me to wonder why you’re more worried about Damon than Stefan.”

“That’s not fair.”

“Who said anything about fair?” he asked before slamming the door in her face.


Bonnie glanced over at Dawn as the two moved through the foot traffic to reach the ever popular Mystic Grill. The drive over had been fairly quiet. Yesterday, Chris gave Bonnie his MasterCard and the girls went shopping. Dawn had left Biloxi in a hurry so most of her belongings were there. The shopping trip had replenished her wardrobe and gave the cousins an opportunity to bond. Bonnie discovered that her taller cousin preferred a more laidback approach in her attire. Jeans, tees and sneaks. Everything fit her athletic frame like it was made for her and blended well with the curly natural hairstyle that she rocked with confidence.

Just looking at her, no one would guess that Dawn had spent the last couple of nights sobbing into her pillow as she told Bonnie stories about her father and her brother. Bonnie remembered the pain of losing her Grams so she understood her cousin’s anguish and desire to relate everything. She had to say the memories out loud to ensure that everything had been real. When Grams had died, Bonnie wished that she’d had someone to share all her memories of Grams with. The times they’d shared over the family grimoires and learning new spells were locked in Bonnie’s heart and soul. Going away to her aunt’s house had helped in taking her away from the cause of her Grams’ death, but it hadn’t helped her with the grieving process. She intended to do everything she could for Dawn.

They reached the trendy bar and grill and Bonnie held the door open. “This is it.”

Dawn stepped inside and Bonnie followed. A group of kids lingered at the bar. Bonnie recognized a few faces at the pool table in the back. She continued to scan the crowd in search of Caroline but came up empty. Matt appeared out of nowhere with menus. He smiled at Bonnie and cast a onceover in Dawn’s direction.

“Hey, Bonnie,” he said. “Will it be just the two of you?”

“No, Caroline’s coming.” She bit back a grin as he tried not to react to the mention of his ex.

He was all charm as he said, “Okay, so three of you. I have the perfect spot.”

He led them to a booth that would give them a view of the entrance and the pool area. After they sat, he handed them their menus. His gaze lingered on Dawn. “I don’t believe we’ve met.”

“She’s my cousin,” Bonnie said. “Dawn, this is Matt Donovan. Football star of Mystic Falls.”

A deep red blush stained his cheeks. He flashed Bonnie a look that made both girls laugh.

“Nice to meet you, Matt,” Dawn said.

He nodded. “Same here. Will you be in town long?”

The laughter dimmed from her expression. Her bottom lip quivered and she looked down at the menu. Bonnie was about to rush in and answer, but Dawn spoke first.

“Yeah, I’m moving here.”

“Oh, okay,” he mumbled, affected by her demeanor. “I guess I’ll be seeing you around. Would you like something to drink?”

“I’ll have a lemonade,” Bonnie said.

“Sweet tea will be fine,” Dawn added.

After he walked off, Dawn sighed, as if trying to regain her composure. “He seems nice.”

“He is. He’s a really good guy.”

Dawn nodded and looked around the restaurant. Bonnie tried not to watch her, but she found it difficult not to be concerned. Maybe her dad had been wrong about getting out. Maybe this was too soon.

“We don’t have to stay—”

“That cute guy keeps staring at you,” Dawn said.

“Where?” Bonnie didn’t want to turn around without knowing which direction to look. Not that she didn’t have enough guy troubles with Damon and Jeremy blowing up her phone. She knew they both had good reason, but in all honesty, she needed a break.

“He’s standing near the kitchen door,” her cousin answered. “I think he works here. He’s wearing an apron.”

“Does he have dark hair and an intense expression on his face?”

Dawn frowned. “Yeah. How did you…?”

“That’s probably Jeremy.” Bonnie turned her head and sure enough, she made direct eye contact with him.

He nodded in acknowledgement and seemed ready to come over, but a waitress approached him. Bonnie felt an odd sense of relief at the intrusion. She hated dodging Jeremy, but she wasn’t ready. Dealing with him or Damon. No, she wasn’t ready for either. And over the last couple of days, she hadn’t felt out of sorts. No lost time. No weirdness. Her dad hadn’t acted as if she was exhibiting strange behavior and she hoped to keep it that way. And if that meant avoiding both of them, then so be it. She’d figure out her crap without them.

A whirlwind of blonde came toward them, immediately improving Bonnie’s mood. Caroline’s cheer was contagious and Bonnie wondered what made her friend so happy. After the introductions and Caroline claiming a spot next to Dawn, the three girls started chatting.

“Well, as you can see I’m happy.”

“It’s hard to miss,” Bonnie said. “What gives?”

“Part of it is I love it when people listen to me.”

Dawn smothered a giggle and looked at Caroline as if she was a sideshow. Bonnie’s reaction was similar.

“What are you talking about?” Bonnie asked.

“You!” Caroline leaned in and in her best stage whisper, said, “When I came in and saw Damon looking like hell and mad at the world, I knew that you were done with him. Whatever had been going on—and I’m not asking or making assumptions—but whatever it was, was over.”

Bonnie frowned. “Damon’s here?”

“Yeah, he and Alaric are drinking it up with this gorgeous model. Her skin is flawless. It’s sickening, really,” she scoffed. “I bet she spends her bonuses on peels.”

Dawn burst out laughing. “You’re crazy.”

Caroline giggled in response. “What? You didn’t see her. I’m not the jealous type, but she’s the kind that men turn into idiots over.” She rolled her eyes. “It’s pathetic.”

The vampire’s rant sent the girls into another fit of laughter. As the girls recovered, Jeremy appeared with their drinks.

“Matt said you’re Bonnie’s cousin,” he said as he gave Dawn her tea. “Hi.”

“Hey,” she said. “You’re Jeremy, right?”

“Yeah.” He gave her a brief smile then he directed his attention to Bonnie. Handing her the lemonade, he said, “Thanks for answering my texts. Oh, wait…you didn’t.”

“I’ve been busy,” she said, not wanting to air their differences in public. She had planned to call him back. She just wasn’t ready, yet.

“You’re not busy now.” He took her hand. “We need to talk.”

A surge of energy shot through Bonnie at his touch. It threatened to overpower her. She gripped Jeremy’s hand for support and a source to counter the attack. Another wave slammed into her. If she had been standing, it would have knocked her down. In another realm, she felt as if she was struggling to get back up. From faraway, she could hear voices calling for her. Her grandmother told her to be strong and to fight. Another softer, smoother tone told her to relax and let go. That everything would be fine if she surrendered.

“Bonnie?” Jeremy stared at his former girlfriend. He watched in fascination as her face changed from the one he had fallen in love with to one he didn’t recognize and back again. Instantly, he dropped her hand and stepped back.

“What’s wrong?” Caroline asked.

Jeremy sensed Caroline getting up and moving around to his other side, but he mostly ignored her. The other girl, Dawn, slid across the booth to stand beside him. All three stared at Bonnie and back at him.

“What is it?” Dawn asked.

“It’s nothing,” Bonnie said. She pushed from the booth and away from the three of them.

Jeremy wanted to reach out and stop her, but he wasn’t sure. He had a strong feeling that wasn’t Bonnie Bennett who just left them and was now strolling up to Damon at the bar. His chest tightened as he watched her link her arm through Damon’s and lean against him. The vampire whispered something in her ear before whisking her out of the Grill.

“Dammit!” Jeremy muttered.

He started for the bar. Caroline and Dawn were fast on his heels. Alaric and the witch from the masquerade party gave them quizzical looks.

“What was that about?” Lucy asked.

“Bonnie needs your help,” Jeremy said. “She’s not herself.”

“What just happened back there?” Dawn asked.

Jeremy looked at the new girl. She looked broken and scared. As he saw the pain reflected in her eyes, the strongest urge to protect her came over him. He gently patted her shoulder. “Bonnie’s not coming back. Do you need a ride home?”

Upon her nod, Jeremy untied his apron and tossed it behind the counter. “I’m going on lunch.” Then he looked at everyone who was staring at him as if he’d grown a second head. “Yeah, I know you wanna know what’s going on, but we can’t talk here. I’ll take Dawn back to the Bennett’s and then we can meet at my house.”

“No, I want to go, too,” Dawn said. “She’s my cousin. I want to know what’s going on. Who was that guy she left with?”

“His name is Damon,” Caroline said. “I can’t believe she took off with him like that.”

“Like I said,” Jeremy said, “she’s not herself.”


Damon had taken one look in her eyes, glowing bright as brass, and knew that Bonnie was nowhere inside her body. His only option was to get her out of there and quickly. When he made the suggestion, she eagerly accepted.

She. Not Bonnie. But some nameless, faceless entity who used Bonnie to get to him. Who wanted Damon and trusted him implicitly.

As his gaze darted from her and the road, he wondered at this phenomenon. Who or what would go to this level to distract him? He couldn’t imagine that it was outright desire that created this obsession with him. And how had they known to use Bonnie Bennett of all people? Had his interest in her become so apparent? Was he that obvious? He’s always prided himself on his ability to hold his darkest desires deeply within, but since his return to Mystic Falls old habits had returned to the surface. Wearing his heart on his sleeve had always been his downfall. It pained him to think it had again and now Bonnie was suffering for it.

Pain was such a bitch. Being an unfeeling ass definitely had its merits.

“We’re not going to the boardinghouse?” she asked when he turned in the opposite direction.

“No,” he said. “I have another place in mind.”

He watched with a faint trace of amusement as she crossed her legs and adjusted the hem of her summer dress just so. She twirled a stray curl around her finger as an obvious attempt to attract him. He had to admit the performance was quite engaging. Bonnie had a delectable body. On normal circumstances, she wasn’t the type to flaunt it. But she was quite an eyeful. This being used her assets to the hilt.

Framed houses and commercial buildings faded in the distance as his muscle car took them deeper into the Mystic Falls wooded area. Her body language shifted. She became rigid, uncomfortable.

“Where are we going?”

“Nope,” he said. That wasn’t a question he planned to answer. He preferred the show and not tell method. The element of surprise had to work in his favor. He hoped.

“Where are you taking me?”

“Back where it all started.”

She stiffened. Her voice hardened. “What are you talking about?”

“Oh,” he said, his voice an equal mix of the hardness he felt at being used and the gentleness that came over him knowing that Bonnie was in the same predicament, “I think you know.”

“Damon, this isn’t funny. Take me home, right now!”

“I would if I knew where your home is. For now, we’ll have to settle for this.”

At that, her eyes narrowed in on him. He recognized that look immediately. Excruciating pain usually skyrocketed from her upon it. But to his surprise nothing happened. Not one flicker of hurt erupted in his head. He looked at her and laughed.

“No juice, huh?”

She frowned. “I don’t understand.”

“Sit back and relax,” he advised, secretly hoping his hunch panned out. “We’ll be there soon.”


Mystic Falls, 1864

Damon carried Emily the rest of the way to his former home. Whatever was out there was no match for his speed. When they reached the Salvatore mansion, he ushered her inside and locked the door behind them. Upon their father’s death, the place had been completely vacated. Stefan’s reckless bloodlust had afforded the brothers one small victory. They now had a home again.

He looked at Emily, shivering in his topcoat and clutching her hardbound book. She seemed so frail and innocent. The brown beauty surprised him at every turn because she was anything but. As Katherine’s confidant and servant, innocence had left Emily as soon as the two women made contact.

“I’ll build a fire.” He made two steps toward the door when she called out.

“There’s no need.”

She set her book down, grabbed a nearby pitcher of water, and tossed it into the fireplace. Seconds later, a blaze roared there.

Damon stepped back. Katherine had hinted at Emily’s ability, but bearing witness to it… He was not prepared.

“How did you…?”

“You know about me,” she said quietly. “A fire is…a fire is simple.”

She picked up her book and moved to crouch in front of the flickering flames. With her back to him, he noted the slight trembling of her back. He could not determine if it was fear of him or the unknown or whatever had been after them. Maybe she was remembering the deserters and their attack. Unfortunately, many women in bondage were forced to alleviate the desires of men. Damon had chosen not to which was another black mark his father placed upon him. Stefan had also fallen in his footsteps. Looking at Emily, he wondered about her life in bondage. Even with her abilities, it couldn’t have been easy.

“What else can you do?” He leaned against the wall, facing her. The firelight reflected against her smooth skin just so. Her copper eyes burned bright with earnestness.

“I don’t know,” she murmured. “Many things. Yet, it seems nothing makes anything better. It’s never enough. There always must be a balance. Nature passes its judgment when you forget.”

Damon frowned. He had no idea what half of what she said meant. “Balance? Judgment?”

She met his stare with pain-stricken eyes. “I’ve done things to make things even, but there’s no way of knowing if it is enough. I’ve done things that were wrong. I’ll have to answer for that, too.”

“Right. Wrong.” He shrugged. “What is that? What does it mean?”

“You are a man of honor. You know what it means.”

He grunted in response.

“If you were not so, you would have not helped me,” she said. “I could not help myself, and you helped me.”

“That doesn’t make me honorable,” he argued. “Killing them was easy. Simple…like you starting that fire.”

“You would have done the same even if you…” She drew in a breath. “Even if you were not a vampire.”

He did not ignore her hesitation over his present state. Even though she consorted with vampires, it was obvious their existence caused her concern to put it mildly. All this talk of nature and balance made that perfectly clear. There was no way an undead being that fed on human life was proper in the eyes of nature. His existence threw everything off balance.

“They will be coming for me,” she said, continuing to clutch her beloved book. “They will not be gentle or understanding. It will not be honorable. It will be a horrible death.”

“I’ll get you out of here—”

“You can’t,” she said. “I’ve seen it. It will happen. There’s nothing anyone can do to stop it.”

“They’ll kill you like they killed Katherine?” he asked.

She shook her head. “I didn’t tell you… I left before…” She squeezed her eyes shut as if she had to find the strength to find the words. When she opened them, she locked her gaze onto the fire and didn’t turn away. “Katherine isn’t dead. They locked her and the other vampires in the tomb under the church. They’re setting fire to it at midnight—”

“We have to stop it!”

“We can’t!” she bit out. “They’ll kill you. They’ll kill me and that’s not how… It’s not how it ends for me.”

“There must be something you can do.” He started to pace. Even though he understood her reasoning, he couldn’t just hide away while his Katherine burned. Protecting her was everything. He had to find a way to save her.

“I can spell the tomb,” she said softly. “I can protect it and keep them safe from the fire.”

He paused. All the talk about balance and nature came to mind. “Will you?”

She looked at him then. “I’ll do it for you.”

Her words didn’t take hold at first. A string of promises burst from him. He’d protect her family until the end of time. He’d protect her and not let any harm come to her. He’d do anything as long as she’d perform the spell to keep the tomb safe from harm.

She just gave him a faint smile and said the words again. “I’ll do it for you.”

(Song credit: “The Scientist” by Coldplay)
